In order to decide the best course of action to treat your problems, your doctor, chiropractic or medical, needs to know what exactly is going on with your body.
For this reason, you should never minimize your symptoms when it comes to describing them to your doctor. Even if you are unsure if they are related to the condition in question, you should still let your doctor know about them.
You should tell your doctor when your symptoms started, what they feel like and when they get better or worse. You should also be completely honest about your lifestyle. This includes sharing if you drink alcohol, use tobacco or use other drugs, as these can be triggers for certain ailments or diseases, which could help rule out a joint problem as the cause.
Some symptoms can indicate a more serious problem than others. The following should be reported to your doctor of chiropractic as soon as possible after you start experiencing them:
- Pain extending into your arm, leg, chest or abdomen
- Progressive severe pain, despite doctor care
- Neurological signs or symptoms such as tingling, weakness or burning
- Pain worsening as you rest, or pain waking you up at night
- Never being able to get comfortable
- Fever
If you experience any of the below symptoms, seek emergency help immediately:
- Loss of vision
- Slurred speech
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Severe headache
- Paralysis
- Loss of bowel or bladder control
In general, pain, and symptoms associated with it, are an indication that something is not functioning right in your body. Don’t hold back in describing your symptoms to your doctor of chiropractic, as doing so could ultimately be detrimental to your health.
Call us at #AdvantageChiropracticClinic in Auburn today at 334-821-2552 to set up an appointment with our qualified doctors. We’re here to help you in any way we can!