A variety of products today allow us to take our little ones along with us while we do cardio-intensive activities like biking, jogging, hiking and walking.
Meant to help you enjoy more activities with your baby, devices like joggers and baby carriers can also cause injury if you do not wear and use them properly.
Here are a few tips to help you and your baby stay in good shape while getting in shape. And don’t forget sunscreen for both you and your child.
For biking:
- The American Chiropractic Association recommends that you use a rolling ride-along trailer rather than a passenger seat that attaches to the bike.
- The trailer should have large tires for stability.
- Use an adjustable helmet and a secure harness that the child cannot undo.
- Bike on smooth surfaces.
- Practice biking with the trailer attached to your bike before bringing your child along.
For jogging:
- A baby jogger is the recommended method for bringing your baby along while jogging.
- The jogger should have large tires for stability.
- Make sure the jogger has a good shoulder harness.
- Jog on smooth surfaces.
- The jogger should have handbrakes and a locking mechanism.
Walking or hiking:
- A backpack-style or front-side baby carrier can allow you to bring your baby along while walking or hiking, though a front-side carrier is recommended.
- Make sure you are in shape enough to carry your baby’s weight using one of these products.
- Wide straps will help distribute the weight evenly.
Enjoy your time spent outdoors with your baby, but make sure you always keep safety in mind!
Contact us at Advantage Chiropractic Clinic today for all of your chiropractic needs! Call us at 334-821-2552. #Exercise #Baby #ACC #ChiropracticCare