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Tennis is a great form of exercise that combines both high and low exertion. It’s a sport that you only need one other person to play with, that can tone your muscles, burn calories and improve hand-eye coordination.

The American Chiropractic Association recommends the following tips to encourage you to play tennis safely.

  • Wear loose clothes for increased circulation.
  • Purchase shoes designed for tennis. These are typically low to the ground and are able to absorb shock easily.
  • Choose the right racket. Your hand should be able to fit around the racket without your thumb and fingers overlapping. Also, choose a normal-sized racket—not one that is so large that it will twist your hands and wrists unnaturally.
  • Play on a surface that will provide adequate cushioning—not concrete.
  • Take lessons if you are a beginner, if that is an option for you.
  • Always warm up before playing.
  • Drink water. Take your body weight, divide it in half, and drink that many ounces of water per day.

Taking these measures can help you prevent pain and injury from playing tennis, but sometimes injury is inevitable. If you do experience pain, come see us at Advantage Chiropractic Clinic and we’ll look forward to helping you feel better. Call us at 334-821-2552. #Tennis #PreventingInjury #ACC #AdvantageChiropractic



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